I am extremely proud of the work of our Belize Association of Planners team.
We started with a core belief that individually and collectively, we can effect change in our country, and help transform the lives of our people by being champions of sustainable communities.
We acted on this belief by forming our association with a clear mandate to assure social justice in the natural and built environment.
We encourage you to take a tour of our site. Get to know a little bit more about us, and the exciting work that we do.
Explore our programmes and the existing and emerging opportunities for partnerships. Something might capture your attention.
Keep abreast of our events. We are on the go, influencing and shaping policy and at the same time applying and sharing our skills and knowledge with the organizations and communities we work with.
Join our conversation. Inspire us. We embrace ideas and diverse perspectives.
We look forward to an engaging relationship with you.
Carolyn Trench-Sandiford
Vision & Mission
Vision – BAP is a proactive professional planning organization committed to assuring social justice and promoting sustainability in the natural and built environment.
Mission – To address relevant planning and development issues in Belize by working in partnership with the public and private sector and civil society organizations, and the people of Belize through research, education, advocacy and action.
Goal 1
To create, increase and sustain awareness of the need and importance of integrating and applying principles of good governance and sustainable development in decision-making.
Goal 2
To advance the practice of planning in all its aspects and to promote and ensure high standards of professional competence and conduct in the practice of the profession.
Goal 3
To position BAP as a credible national resource and reference center and advocate on good governance, sustainable development and human settlement issues and reporting on human settlement patterns, conditions and trends; and
Goal 4
To build and sustain strong working partnerships and coalitions with government and NGO’s nationally, regionally and internationally, with similar objects.
Championing Sustainable Communities
PRESS RELEASE – Belize Association of Planners in Quito, Ecuador for Habitat III’s New Urban Agenda
The Director of Communications, Outreach and Networking of the Belize Association of Planners, Keisha Rodriguez, is participating in Habitat III-The New Urban Agenda currently underway in Quito, Ecuador.
Building Community Resilience to Natural Hazards and Climate Change
The Belize Association of Planners is partnering with communities and actors in the urban space of Belize City to build community resilience to natural hazards and climate change, by reducing vulnerabilities of people, ecosystems and buildings and critical infrastructure, and bridging landscape-seascape connectivity. It is the intent of the association to contribute to creating a network of resilient, safe, inclusive and sustainable communities in the city by 2030.
How We Are Governed
The Board of Directors (BOD) of BAP is elected by the AGM to serve a two year term.
The BOD meets in quarterly sessions to review progress performance of BAP and adapt and align to new and emerging issues and trends relevant to the planning profession and the work of BAP, and to make decisions as is necessary accordingly.
Our partners are important to us and to our success. As we champion sustainable communities, we continue to engender and sustain partnerships nationally, with ministries, municipal governments and other non-state organizations and the people of Belize, and regionally and globally, resulting in membership, accreditation and/or working relationships.
Some of our partners are the Belize Coalition of Service Providers (BCSP), the Caribbean Association of Planners (CPA), the Commonwealth Association of Planners (CAP), Caribbean Network for Urban Land Management (CNULM), the United Nations Sustainable Development Network (UNSDN), the World Bank Civil Society Group, OAK Foundation and Vancouver Island University (VIU) to name a few.
Through these partnerships, we have influenced policy, shared our work, accessed some financial and knowledge product resources, learnt from the best practice of others, and empowered people with knowledge on governance, sustainable development, climate change and human settlement issues, concerns and challenges, to name a few.